domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

How to eliminate default Weather widgets (Service Stopped) on Symbian Device?

1.- To eliminate the Weather app:
C:\private\20029b71 <- Delete this folder
2.- To eliminate the Weather widgets:
C:\Private\200159c0\themes\53699050\270513751\537110860 <- Delete this folder
C:\Private\200159c0\themes\53699050\270513751\537110862 <- Delete this folder
C:\Private\200159c0\themes\53699050\270513751\537110863 <- Delete this folder


To eliminate Weather, delete:

C:\\sweat*.* (any file named sweat.* is Weather. Delete it)
C:\Private\200159c0\import\2001f48a\101fb657\2003a94c <- Delete this folder
C:\Private\200159c0\themes\53699050\270513751\537110860 <- Delete this folder
C:\Private\200159c0\themes\53699050\270513751\537110862 <- Delete this folder
C:\Private\200159c0\themes\53699050\270513751\537110863 <- Delete this folder 

* (MOD - update) Aknspasrv , weatherpublisher By iChris701 * 

Since fp2 there was new process added aknspasrv.exe , however i have moded it and removed some processes.

- Process priority removed from system
- Boot priority removed (wont start again after reboots)
- Wont kill topbar in qt apps (usually in normal file when we kill this process this causes kill of topbar in qt apps , which ofcourse wont occure with this mod. )

Why mod this process at all ? Cause it consumes buttload of battery power.

Copy to
- C:\sys\bin
and Reboot.

Tested on 701,700,808 (don't know bout 603)

Moded wheather process , this is for people who don't use the default wheather app because wheather process is completely stopped with this mod but gives very good battery life.
Im attaching file , copy to c/sys/bin and reboot.

Ps: This is still in test phase.

Ps2: The weatherpublisher mod also work with belle , fp1 , fp2 devices.


Weatherpublisher MOD
Weatherpublisher MOD

         * How to remove the non-working Nokia weather widget *

Files and Folders to remove:

- Rofs2/private/2003A94C
- Rofs2/private/10003a3f/import/apps/weatherpublisher_reg
- Rofs2/private/10202D56/import/packages/2003a94e also go to rofs2/private/200159c0/install and delete anything with the name containin "weather". If you are using a CFW, therre might be weathersmall or weathermedium as well.
- Rofsx/resource/apps/weatherwidget/ (contains so many .png pictures)
- Rofsx/resource/apps/weatherpublisher.rxx (xx= your languages. eg. r01, r50)
- Rofsx/resource/apps/weatherwidget.mif
- Rofsx/resource/apps/weatherwidget_ah.mif
- Rofsx/resource/qt/translations/weatherwidget_xx.qm (xx is your language abbreviation like en, fa)
- Rofsx/sys/bin/weatherpublisher.exe
- Rofsx/sys/bin/weatherwidgetchsplugin.dll

For a clean wipe out, you need also to remove the ecom plugin of weatherwidgetchsplugin.rsc

Enjoy weather widget free FW.

Why to do it:
1. it relieves you of a non working app
2. it gives you more space
3. It relieves you of the auto start process "weather.exe"
4. gives you a slightly better battery life, consequently.

Note: It has nothing to do with the Nokia weather application. It's only the weather widgets.

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