martes, 28 de enero de 2014

WeatherMango 23.00(0) S^3 S^4 Belle Signed By mangolazi

Presenting WeatherMango, a simple weather app by mangolazi.

The app can get the forecast for your current GPS location.Your last known GPS location and forecast data are cached so you don't need a constant data connection. Data is provided by XML feeds from

App is free, open source software licensed under GPLv3. Weather icons GPLv2 by Andrew Zhilin, originally for Other Maemo Weather. App icon thanks to michalkepa.

Please report any bugs especially for weather data, you can check the app's output vs. the direct website feed. Please recommend any E6 fixes because I don't have that device, I can only use the simulator.


Home icon - loads data for your home city (long press to set home city to your current GPS position)
Daily/hourly - switch between daily and hourly forecast
Search icon - search for city

Set as favorite city - add a city to the favorite cities list
Manage favorite cities - modify list of favorite cities
Refresh data - reload current city's data
Settings - change language, temperature units, wind speed units

Settings screen
Unit conversions


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